San Diego, California

Colophon and Website Info

Photo of Lee Dronick, the website owner and designer
Lester "Lee" Dronick

Hello my name is Lester Lee Dronick, I go by the name of Lee. I own this website domain name and blog. I am in the process of learning the website authoring program DreamWeave. Consequently there may be times when there is little on the pages and in the site in general. And of course because I am in learning mode there may be times when the site looks horrid, well for that matter it may look horrid after I learn DreamWeaver. Anyway I recently got a new iMac and my old Adobe Creative Suite 2 does not work well on the new Intel Macs so I had to upgrade some software. The new Adobe Creative Suite 4 comes with DreamWeaver and my beloved GoLive has gone the way of the dinosaurs, it is time to teach this middle-aged dog new tricks.


Colophon: The bayscape banner panorama is of San Diego that I took from the Coronado Ferry Landing. It was actually a series of photos stitched together in PhotoShop.

The photo of me is a self-portrait I took using my iPhone. It was taken at Founder's Plaza in Balboa Park. I often stop at the Plaza when walking in Balboa Park, it is a very relaxing place, usually shaded, and I can take inspiration from the great men for whom the memorial honors.

As mentioned supra, the website was done in DreamWeaver. It makes use of CSS, Cascading Style Sheets, and passes markup validation. What it does not do well, yet, is pass all accesibility tests which is something I need to do. However, it is accessible to most everyone and I make use of ALT tags for images and provide sufficient contrast between colors. The website is hosted at Inmotion Hosting whom I highly recommend.

All of the work was done on an Apple iMac or MacBook Pro runing the latest version of OSX

All items on this website are Copyright © 2008 by Lester Lee Dronick, or others, all rights reserved. Please ask for permission before taking a copy of text, an image, video or sound.


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